High-Stakes Threat: Organized land grabbers target former SC judge's property as Jharkhand HC steps in

High-Stakes Threat: Organized land grabbers target former SC judge's property as Jharkhand HC steps in

The Jharkhand High Court has taken immediate action after uncovering a concerning surge in organized land grabbing cases. Prompted by a distressing incident reported in a local newspaper, where land grabbers brazenly targeted the property of the late Supreme Court Judge, Justice MY Eqbal, the court has initiated a suo-motu writ petition. The Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary (Home), SSP (Ranchi), and Officer-in-Charge of Lower Bazar Police Station have been summoned as respondents in this crucial case.

To investigate the incident and ascertain the involvement of local police or other individuals, the court has appointed Mr. R.K. Mallick, Additional DGP (Communication), to conduct a thorough enquiry. This action goes beyond the specific incident and highlights the alarming prevalence of such criminal gangs operating within Jharkhand.

Expressing deep concern over the rising number of land grabbing cases and the need to protect residents' lives and properties, the court has emphasized the gravity of the situation. It is evident that the state administration is well aware of these issues, given the numerous petitions filed in the High Court, highlighting attempts at land grabbing and extortion by these criminal syndicates.

The court has cautioned that such audacious acts not only disrupt public order but also erode public trust in the system. Preliminary observations suggest that external forces may be instigating and protecting these anti-social elements and land grabbers.

To tackle this alarming trend, the court has directed the SSP to provide a detailed affidavit containing registered land grabbing cases in Ranchi, along with the status of complaints and FIRs. Additionally, the Principal Secretary (Home) has been instructed to provide information on any decisions or discussions regarding the escalating incidents of land grabbing.

Acknowledging the severity of the situation, the court has summoned the Advocate General to present arguments during the hearing scheduled for the 18th of July. Mr. Atanu Banerjee has been appointed as an Amicus Curiae to assist the court in reaching a just resolution.

This distressing development serves as a stark reminder of the imminent threat faced by esteemed judges. The case titled "The Court on its own Motion vs. State of Jharkhand & Ors. W.P. (C) 7283/2023" exposes a high-stakes threat that has the potential to undermine the pillars of justice, leaving the judiciary vulnerable and society deeply concerned.

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