Gujarat High Court Urges Settlement of Covid-era Court Fees

Gujarat High Court Urges Settlement of Covid-era Court Fees

The Gujarat High Court has issued a circular urging lawyers and litigants to resolve any pending court fees related to cases filed during the COVID-19 pandemic era.

The Gujarat High Court has identified cases filed between March 22, 2020, and January 7, 2022, where court fees were either not paid or were insufficient. In a circular dated May 30, issued under Chief Justice Sunita Agarwal's directives, it has been cautioned that if these outstanding court fees are not resolved within thirty days, they will be pursued as arrears of land revenue.

Additionally, the circular urges lawyers and litigants to submit original documents or certified copies of documents, if required, for cases that have been decided but have not yet had the necessary documents filed, as mandated.

“All the concerned learned Advocates / Litigants are hereby informed / intimated to make payment of outstanding Court Fees and / or to submit the original documents / certified copies of the documents in the matters already decided / disposed of, which were filed during the Covid-19 Pandemic period i.e. from 22-03-2020 to 07-01-2022, wherein either Court Fees has not been paid or insufficient Court Fees has been paid and / or original documents / certified copies of the documents are not filed ... within a period of 30 days from the date of this Circular, failing which, the outstanding Court Fees shall be recovered as arrears of land revenue and if the original document(s) is/are not filed, within a period of 30 days, no certified copies of the said document(s) shall be issued," the circular stated.

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