From 370 to same-sex marriage, greatest judgments of SC in 2023

From 370 to same-sex marriage, greatest judgments of SC in 2023

In various aspects, 2023 turned out to be a noteworthy year, with the Supreme Court rendering numerous historic decisions that captured global attention in India. The court's significant remarks on diverse issues, spanning from Article 370 to same-sex marriage, and its thoughtful deliberations leading to verdicts, have not only influenced the nation's political landscape but also had a profound impact on the daily lives of ordinary citizens.

Supreme decision on Article 370

In the current year, the Supreme Court issued a significant ruling on Article 370 of Jammu and Kashmir, affirming the complete validity of the Central Government's 2019 decision. The court underscored that, following its integration with India, Jammu and Kashmir no longer retained the right to internal sovereignty. Click here to read the judgment

Same-sex marriage is not legal

On October 17 of the current year, the Supreme Court rendered a significant decision regarding same-sex marriage. The court dismissed a petition seeking legal validity for same-sex marriage, with a five-judge Constitution bench led by CJI DY Chandrachud delivering a 3-2 majority verdict. The court explicitly stated that authorization for such marriages must come through legislation, emphasizing that the court lacks the authority to create laws. Click here to read the judgment 

Decision on fight for rights in Delhi

The ongoing struggle for rights in Delhi persists, but a significant development occurred this year. In May, the Kejriwal government achieved a major victory in the Supreme Court. At that time, the court asserted in its decision that the authority over the posting and transfer of officers lies with the government elected by the people, not with the LG. The court's ruling was forthright, emphasizing that even in situations where executive power is divided between the Center and the state, measures should be taken to prevent the Center from unduly influencing the state government's operations, as this would go against democratic principles. It's worth noting, however, that after the Supreme Court's order, the Central Government enacted an ordinance, reinstating the LG's role in the posting of officers. Click here to read the judgment

Big decision on appointment of election commissioners

In March of this year, the Supreme Court issued a pivotal decision regarding the appointment of election commissioners in the country. The court proposed a three-member committee comprising the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, and Chief Justice of India (CJI). However, a significant alteration was observed in the bill presented by the Central Government in Parliament on August 10 following this order. While still advocating for a three-member committee, the government introduced a bill that excluded the CJI from the committee, causing a major controversy. Click here to read the judgment

Legal validity of Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu

The Supreme Court rendered a significant decision on the traditional Tamil Nadu sport of Jallikattu. In its ruling, the court deemed the practice legally valid and endorsed the law enacted by the state government pertaining to this sport. The court recognized in its order that the state government had meticulously addressed concerns related to animal cruelty in its new legislation. Click here to read the judgment


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