Former Delhi HC Judge Appointed to Lead Internal Committee for Forest Protection in Capital

Former Delhi HC Judge Appointed to Lead Internal Committee for Forest Protection in Capital

The Delhi High Court has named Justice Najmi Waziri, its former judge, to lead the internal departmental committee responsible for safeguarding forests within the national capital.

In a ruling issued on April 4, Justice Tushar Rao Gedela highlighted that despite the efforts made by forest officials to safeguard forests and 'deemed forests' from ongoing encroachments and depletion of forest cover, the departments responsible for land ownership are not showing sufficient seriousness towards addressing the issue.

The Court observed that the land-owning agencies have not been cooperative in aiding the internal department committee, established by the Court's directive, in gathering essential documents, maps, and other records.

''“In that view of the matter, it would be apposite to appoint a Retired Judge of this Court to head the Committee, so as to ensure that the other departments are under an obligation to co-operate with the Committee.''

The Court issued the order in response to a petition filed by Neeraj Sharma. Sharma's plea requested directives for the Delhi Government to delineate all the deemed forest areas as listed in an affidavit submitted in 1997 before the Supreme Court in the case of TN Godavarman Thirumulpud v Union of India & Ors.

Justice Waziri has earned the moniker "Green Judge" due to his notable rulings aimed at augmenting the greenery within the city. It is estimated that his orders have led to the planting of over one lakh trees throughout the capital.

He retired from office in July 2023.

Case Title : Neeraj Sharma v Union of India & Ors
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