In a tragic incident at Hidayatullah National Law University (HNLU) in Raipur, a fifth-year student named Urvi Bharadwaj was discovered deceased in the girls' hostel restroom last Thursday.
The lifeless body of Urvi Bharadwaj was found by fellow hostel residents on August 24. She was unconscious on the washroom floor. Tragically, despite being rushed to BALCO hospital, she was pronounced dead. The authorities are actively investigating to determine the exact cause of her demise.
According to accounts from some of the university students, the deceased student had been absent from classes in the days leading up to her passing. Additionally, it was revealed that she had received notification of her disqualification from an upcoming examination due to certain ongoing developments within the campus.
Responding promptly, the university administration organized an emergency condolence gathering at the campus auditorium on the day of the incident. Dr VC Vivekanandan, the Vice-Chancellor, addressed the attendees, refuting rumors that the students were grappling with excessive academic pressure.
Subsequent to this, the Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) initiated protests on the subsequent day, advocating for justice for the departed student. Among their demands were an unbiased inquiry into the circumstances and the resignation of the Vice-Chancellor. In the wake of the event, the university administration declared a three-day recess, which has since been extended until September 3.
For individuals facing emotional or mental struggles, or experiencing thoughts of self-harm, it is important to reach out for help. Helpline numbers have been made available for support:
iCall - 9152987821 (Health Helpline - Mon—Sat, 10 AM—8 PM. Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Kashmiri.)
Aasra offers support to individuals and families during an emotional crisis, for those dealing with mental health issues and suicidal ideation, and to those undergoing trauma after the suicide of a loved one.
24x7 Helpline: 9820466726
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