Fake WhatsApp Account of Supreme Court: Public Alert Issued

Fake WhatsApp Account of Supreme Court: Public Alert Issued

New Delhi, June 17, 2024 — The Supreme Court of India has issued a warning to the stakeholders about a fake WhatsApp account impersonating the institution. This fraudulent account (+94785245387) has been circulating misleading information and making unauthorized requests, prompting the Supreme Court to take immediate action to protect citizens from potential scams. 

In an official statement released, the Secretary General of the Supreme Court clarified that it does not operate any official WhatsApp account by that number (+94785245387) and urged the public to be cautious of any communications claiming to be from the court through this platform. The statement emphasized that all official communications from the Supreme Court are conducted through formal channels and its official website.

The fake account has been reported to be contacting individuals with various claims, including court orders, summons, and requests for personal information. It is learnt that the Supreme Court's IT department is collaborating with law enforcement agencies and WhatsApp to identify and take down the fraudulent account.

The public is advised to:

1. Verify Information: Always cross-check any communications from the Supreme Court through its official website or verified sources.
2. Report Suspicious Activity: Immediately report any dubious messages or accounts to the authorities and to WhatsApp.
3. Avoid Sharing Personal Information: Do not share personal or financial information in response to unsolicited messages.

This incident is a reminder of the increasing prevalence of digital scams and the importance of cyber vigilance. The Supreme Court has reassured the public that it will continue to monitor the situation and take necessary measures to prevent such occurrences in the future.

The Supreme Court of India started its business account on 25th April, 2024 this year though which, it communicates all the orders, cause lists, office reports and other communications to the Advocate on Record. 

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