Differently abled lawyer recommended for high court judgeship by SC collegium

Differently abled lawyer recommended for high court judgeship by SC collegium

The Supreme Court Collegium has taken a new initiative to increase equality and diversity in the courts. The collegium comprising of Chief Justice Dr. DY Chandrachud, Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice K.M. Joseph has recommended to elevate seven judges to the Gujarat High Court and one judge to the Gauhati High Court.

The three-member collegium headed by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud has recommended the appointment of differently-abled lawyer and jurist Moksha Kiran Thakkar as a judge of the Gujarat High Court. Moksha has experience of practicing both civil and criminal side as an advocate in the Gujarat High Court.

While recommending Moksha Kiran Thakkar, the Collegium said that he has been able to overcome his own physical disabilities and his appointment would make the structure of the High Court more inclusive. The collegium also said that the IB is of the opinion that Moksha Kiran Thakkar has a good personal and professional standing.

All the recommendations have been made unanimously based on the September 2022 resolution of the Gujarat HC Collegium comprising the then Chief Justice and the two senior-most judges. The Chief Minister and Governor of Gujarat have agreed to the recommendation.

The Supreme Court Collegium has also examined and appraised the material placed on record, which included the inputs submitted by the Intelligence Bureau and the observations made by the Department of Justice in the file.

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