The Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed the Indian Railways to produce records in relation to two demolition notices pasted on the walls of Masjid Takiya Babbar Shah and Bengali Market Masjid located near the Railway Bridge and Babar Road railway line.
The petition was heard before the single-hedaed bench of Justice Prateek Jalan challenging two notices by the Delhi Waqf Board and had given time to the administration to file its reply.
Directing to bring the relevant records to the court, the judge said, "I want to see how the railway administration is issuing the notice without mentioning the property, date."
The Centre's counsel said the notices were issued by the railway authorities and this was done after full information of the persons concerned. The lawyer asked for time to file the counter affidavit,
"Let me file an affidavit. I checked the records. After giving complete information to everyone, the notice has been pasted.'', the lawyer said.
The board's petition states that the impugned notice, besides being generic, unsigned and undated, was not sent directly to him. From the contents of the notice it appears that the respondents (Railways) are planning to take this action malicious, arbitrary and without any valid reason to demolish the mosques.
The petition further argues that since the notice lacks a specific date and signature and was pasted on the mosques instead of being sent to the Board's office, there is a fear that the Railways will proceed with the demolition without any restraint. may proceed further unless otherwise directed by this Court.
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