A Delhi Court has issued a restraining order against Times Now Navbharat news channel preventing the telecast of a news segment titled "Operation Paap" targeting Aam Aadmi Party MLA Naresh Balyan.
The court's decision came in response to a defamation suit filed by Balyan. The news report alleged that Balyan was involved in a conversation with a gangster about extorting two businessmen, based on an audio clip shared by the channel.
Initially, an interim order on August 17 prohibited the channel from airing the news until August 18.
Later, this order was extended until August 23. The court ordered the channel, M/s Times Now Navbharat/Times Group Media, not to broadcast, print, or telecast the content related to "Operation Paap" against Balyan. The channel's counsel confirmed compliance with the August 17 order and committed to refraining from broadcasting until further instructions.
During the recent hearing, the news channel's representative requested a brief adjournment to submit their response. The court granted this and rescheduled the hearing for August 23, with the interim order to remain in effect.
Balyan argued that the news report titled "Sarji ka Vidhayak Gangster ka Sahay" was false and had severely damaged his and his family's reputation. He claimed significant reputation loss due to the broadcast's misinformation.
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