On Friday, the Delhi High Court requested the Delhi Police to respond to TMC Lok Sabha MP Mahua Moitra's petition seeking the dismissal of an FIR lodged against her for a "derogatory" social media comment about NCW chief Rekha Sharma. Justice Neena Bansal Krishna issued a notice to the Delhi Police, directing them to submit a status report within four weeks.
The High Court scheduled a hearing on November 6 to discuss the legality and validity of the FIR, which was filed under Section 79 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) for words, gestures, or acts intended to insult the modesty of a woman. This FIR marks the first instance under the BNS by the Delhi Police's Special Cell since its implementation on July 1.
Moitra's comment was in response to a video on X showing NCW chief Rekha Sharma at a stampede site in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras on July 4, which she later deleted. Senior advocate Indira Jaising, representing Moitra, noted that despite requests, they had not received a copy of the FIR. Subsequently, the police counsel provided the FIR copy to the petitioner's counsel in court.
The FIR indicates that the NCW took suo motu cognizance of Moitra's alleged "derogatory remarks" and filed the FIR based on a complaint from the NCW. The FIR describes Moitra's remarks as "extremely outrageous" and a blatant violation of a woman's right to live with dignity.
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