Delhi HC Directs Hockey India Probe on Alleged Biased Selections

Delhi HC Directs Hockey India Probe on Alleged Biased Selections

Upon receiving a petition from a former National Hockey Player citing biased selections, the Delhi High Court has instructed Hockey India to thoroughly investigate the allegations. Justice Mini Pushkarna underscored the collaborative approach of the petition, emphasizing the imperative for Hockey India to intervene in the spirit of promoting national fairness.

“The present petition is not adversarial in nature and the serious issues that have been highlighted by the petitioner with respect to the selection at the State Level not being fair, has to be looked into by Hockey India, in the national interest”, the Court held. 

The petitioner leveled accusations against the Secretary General, alleging deliberate defiance of a court order issued on July 24, 2023. Advocate Akshay Mann, representing the petitioner, contended that individuals lacking tournament experience were being selected based on their connections with office bearers.

Advocate Shyel Trehan, representing the Secretary General, countered by stating that Hockey India had not made a commitment to dispatch observers for the selection of the Andhra Pradesh State Team. Nonetheless, it was highlighted that the petitioner's concerns had been brought before the Grievance Redressal Committee, which had advocated sending observers as a customary procedure.

The Court urged Hockey India to formulate a policy aimed at guaranteeing fairness in state-level selections. The bench stressed the significant role of state-level players in the national selection process and instructed the petitioner to provide a list of talented players who may have been overlooked. 

Even though the State Hockey Association did not raise the issue, the Court urged Hockey India to carefully consider and address all concerns brought forward to ensure fair selection at the state level. A two-week deadline was set for the submission of the list containing overlooked talented players.

Additionally, the Court directed the respondent to evaluate the talent of the identified players and consider their potential inclusion in the State Team. Furthermore, it recommended exploring the creation of a national-level mechanism to handle selection-related grievances, thus ensuring transparency in state-level team selections across the country and preventing the neglect of talented players.

Accordingly, the Court listed the matter for April 22, 2024. 

Case Title: Mohammed Moinuddin Ahmed v Bhola Nath Singh Secretary General, Hockey India


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