The Delhi High Court has instructed Lok Nayak Hospital to provide medical treatment to an HIV-positive transwoman without requiring identity proof.
Justice Sanjeev Narula issued notices to the Delhi government and the Centre regarding her petition and also issued directives for her rehabilitation and shelter.
"Issue notice.. By way of this order a direction is issued to respondent number 4 (Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi) to examine the petitioner & in case she would need any treatment, the same be provided to her forthwith, notwithstanding the petitioner's lack of identification documents," the Court said on Dec 24.
The petitioner claimed that she was abducted by a trafficker when she was a minor and subjected to sexual abuse. The doctors at Lok Nayak Hospital recommended her admission for treatment.
The Court also directed the Centre to explore the possibility of providing skill training for her rehabilitation and instructed the authorities to arrange appropriate shelter, taking into account her health condition and the declining temperatures in Delhi.
The petitioner had reached out to several NGOs for shelter but was rejected due to her lack of official identity proof.
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