Chief Justice Ravi Malimath inaugurates MPHC IVSS and CLASS Project at High Court of Madhya Pradesh

Chief Justice Ravi Malimath inaugurates MPHC IVSS and CLASS Project at High Court of Madhya Pradesh

Yesterday, Chief Justice Ravi Malimath of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh inaugurated the MPHC IVSS and CLASS Project.

The ceremony was graced by esteemed High Court judges and dignitaries from the High Court and District Court, Jabalpur, marking a significant milestone for the justice system.

A historic milestone is being set in India as the High Court takes the pioneering step of implementing live streaming for proceedings across all District and Tehsil courts in the state.

This technology marks a historic stride in the Indian judicial system, enhancing safety and transparency within the court premises under the jurisdiction of MPHC. The integration of these new technologies signifies a proactive step, aligning the Madhya Pradesh Judiciary with the demands of the digital era.

This pioneering project aims to facilitate live streaming from courtrooms across 210 court complexes under the jurisdiction of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Jabalpur. Additionally, it seeks to bolster security measures within these courts.

The IVSS & CLASS implementation comprises:

1. Integrated Video Management System,

2. Courtroom Audio-visual Recording System,

3. Archiving & Live as well as on-demand Streaming Set-up

4. Setting up of Data Center & Command & Control Center at Jabalpur

5. Disaster Recovery set-up at Indore

6. Facility Management Services and Operation & Maintenance of the System for a period of 5 years.

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