The Chhattisgarh High Court on Friday, has taken proactive notice of a news article regarding the use of sound amplifiers during festive occasions. The article brought attention to the challenges experienced by senior citizens, individuals with health issues, children, and other local residents due to noise pollution caused by sound amplifiers and DJs in their areas.
In the case of Noise Pollution (V), In Re [(2005) 5 SCC 733], a Bench led by Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice N.K. Chandravanshi made an observation that the directives issued by the Hon'ble Supreme Court to address and control noise pollution are being disregarded. The State and its associated agencies have failed in their responsibility to mitigate noise pollution. The Court referred to cases such as Balwant Singh v. Commissioner of Police & others [(2015) 4 SCC 801] and Nitin Singhvi v. State of Chhattisgarh & others [WPPIL 112 of 2016] to emphasize that it is the duty of the State to combat the nuisance of noise pollution, and any negligence in this regard would amount to contempt of court.
Acknowledging the presence of a pending contempt petition concerning the matter of noise pollution, the Hon'ble High Court has instructed the Chief Secretary of the State to submit a comprehensive affidavit outlining the steps taken by the government to eliminate and prevent noise pollution stemming from the use of sound amplifiers and DJs during the festive season.
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