Chennai customer awarded Rs 1 lakh compensation over missing biscuit in ITC packet

Chennai customer awarded Rs 1 lakh compensation over missing biscuit in ITC packet

In a recent verdict, a Chennai consumer has secured a significant victory against ITC Limited, a well-known Indian conglomerate. The consumer court has ordered ITC to pay Rs 1 lakh in compensation to the complainant, P Dillibabu.

Dillibabu's grievance stemmed from his purchase of a packet of "Sun Feast Marie Light" biscuits, which prominently advertised 16 biscuits but contained only 15. He had bought multiple packets with the intention of providing sustenance to stray animals but was disheartened to find himself one biscuit short in each packet.

Calculating the cost of each biscuit at 75 paise, Dillibabu raised concerns about the potential widespread impact of this discrepancy, given ITC's staggering daily production of nearly 50 lakh packets. The cumulative effect could amount to over Rs 29 lakh daily.

ITC's defense rested on the argument that the product's sale was based on weight, not the quantity of biscuits. They stated that the packet's advertised weight was 76 grams. However, a meticulous examination conducted by the consumer court consistently revealed that each unwrapped packet contained only 74 grams of biscuits.

Additionally, ITC referred to the Legal Metrology Rules of 2011, which allow for a maximum permissible error of 4.5 grams in pre-packaged commodities. Nevertheless, the court deemed this exemption irrelevant for biscuits, as they do not undergo weight fluctuations over time like volatile products. Moreover, the court dismissed ITC's claim that the product was sold by weight rather than by the number of biscuits, emphasizing that the packaging prominently displayed the biscuit count.

The consumer court's ruling, delivered on August 29, unequivocally favored Dillibabu, ordering ITC to compensate him with Rs 1 lakh for engaging in unfair trade practices. In addition to the compensation, the court mandated ITC to cease the sales of the specific batch of biscuits under scrutiny.

This incident underscores the importance of companies adhering to fair trade practices and ensuring precise packaging. Consumer courts continue to be vigilant in safeguarding consumers' rights, highlighting the imperative of maintaining transparency and honesty in product packaging and promotional materials.

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