On Wednesday, the Central Government officially announced the elevation of nine additional judges of the Allahabad High Court to permanent judges. Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Law and Justice, Arjun Ram Meghwal, shared the update via a post on X (formerly known as Twitter).
The following nine High Court judges have been confirmed as permanent judges:
Justice Syed Qamar Hasan Rizvi
Justice Manish Kumar Nigam
Justice Anish Kumar Gupta
Justice Nand Prabha Shukla
Justice Kshitij Shailendra
Justice Vinod Diwakar
Justice Prashant Kumar
Justice Manjive Shukla
Justice Arun Kumar Singh Deshwal
The Supreme Court Collegium recommended the confirmation of these nine judges as permanent on August 13. This recommendation followed the High Court Collegium's initial proposal on May 28, which had the concurrence of both the Chief Minister and the Governor of Uttar Pradesh.
Subsequently, Supreme Court judges familiar with the High Court's operations were consulted, and they affirmed that the recommended judges were fit and suitable for permanent appointments. After thoroughly reviewing all relevant materials, the Collegium proceeded with their recommendation to appoint the judges as permanent members of the High Court.
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