Calcutta HC Directs RPF to Intensify Inspections to Tackle Male Passengers in Women's Train Compartments

Calcutta HC Directs RPF to Intensify Inspections to Tackle Male Passengers in Women's Train Compartments

The Calcutta High Court has issued a recent directive to the Railway Police Force (RPF), urging them to intensify inspection drives to address the issue of male passengers unlawfully traveling in train compartments designated exclusively for women.

A division bench comprising Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam and Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharya further ordered public announcements warning that individuals found traveling unauthorizedly in female compartments will face prosecution.

While placing on record the effective steps taken by the RPF, we observe that the frequency of conducting such drives by the RPF should be increased so that this menace can be avoided apart from making announcements in the public address system in all railway stations that if male passengers travel in compartments reserved exclusively for female passengers, they will be prosecuted.

These observations were made in a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by a practicing advocate, who highlighted that unauthorized male passengers were boarding and traveling in compartments designated exclusively for female passengers.

It was stated that there have been several instances where male passengers boarded compartments reserved exclusively for female passengers, leading to untoward incidents.

In response, the Railway Police Force (RPF) stated that it would conduct inspection drives to address this issue and mentioned that they had already arrested nearly 3,477 individuals for unauthorized travel in female compartments.

During the hearing, the court emphasized that the significant number of arrests indicated the severity of the problem, labeling it a 'menace,' and underscored the need for heightened vigilance.

Case: Piyeta Bhattacharjee Vs. Union of India & Ors.

Case No: WPA(P) 259 of 2024

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