Bombay HC Orders Police Commissioner to Detail Traffic Status and Proposed Tech Solutions

Bombay HC Orders Police Commissioner to Detail Traffic Status and Proposed Tech Solutions

The Bombay High Court has issued a directive to the Commissioner of Police of Pune, instructing them to submit an affidavit outlining the current status of traffic conditions in the city of Pune. Additionally, the affidavit should include proposed measures aimed at tackling traffic challenges by leveraging modern technology.

The division bench, comprising Chief Justice Devendra Upadhyaya and Justice Arif Doctor, presided over a PIL initiated by Kishore Mansukhani in 2015. The PIL advocated for the state's adoption of modern technology to efficiently address traffic issues.

Advocate Anil Anturkar, representing Mansukhani, emphasized that the state government had failed to take any significant measures to mitigate the traffic problems in Pune. He underscored incidents of road rage within the city attributed to inadequate traffic management.

The division bench expressed its concern, observing that the PIL was lodged in 2015, and with eight years having transpired since its initiation, the court lacked knowledge regarding the present state of traffic affairs and the strategies implemented for its regulation.

As a result, the high court issued a directive instructing the Commissioner of Police to submit an affidavit detailing the evaluation of the current traffic situation and delineating strategies to tackle it.

Furthermore, the high court directed the commissioner to arrange a meeting involving officers from all pertinent departments. Subsequent to comprehensive deliberations, the commissioner is to furnish an affidavit, delineating the existing status of the traffic scenario and elaborating on the measures at their disposal to alleviate it.

The court order additionally recorded that the review conducted by the commissioner should prioritize the utilization and implementation of technological measures for effective traffic management. The bench further noted that upon reviewing the information provided in the affidavit, the high court would establish a committee comprising experts.

The committee would be entrusted with studying the traffic situation in depth and exploring viable options for the introduction of modern technology to enhance traffic management.

“Based on said report and affidavit of commissioner we proposed to constitute a committee of experts to study current traffic position and measures available to manage the same/measure required to better equip the traffic department so that modern technological method and equipment’s maybe deployed to ease traffic situation in city of Pune,” the order states.

Case title: Kishore Mansukhani vs State of Maharashtra & Ors

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