Ammerul Islam, a Death Convict  moves to Supreme Court pleading his transfer from Kerala Jail to Assam Jail

Ammerul Islam, a Death Convict moves to Supreme Court pleading his transfer from Kerala Jail to Assam Jail

Ammerul Islam, a death convict in the matter of Kerala Law Student Rape and Murder, has filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking permission for his transfer from Kerala Jail to Assam Jail stating that his wife and aged parents are not able to travel to Kerala Viyyur Jail due to extreme poverty.

The Convict, Ammerul Islam was sentenced death penalty for raping and murdering a Dalit law student in 2016 and is currently serving his sentence in Kerala Viyyur Jail. 

The petition is presented before the court through advocates Sriram Parakkat and Satheesh Mohanan, clearly, stating the monetary issues faced by the convict’s family due to which they are unable to visit him in Kerala. The Petition also contended that visitation rights are the basic fundamental rights of the petitioner which are being “rendered infructuous” due to extreme poverty and geographical limitation requesting the court to transfer him to Assam.  

The matter is related to the mutilated corpse of the victim found in her home which was later identified as the body of a Dalit law student at the Government Law College, Ernakulam. This particular case sparked mass outrage among people across the country and various social media groups due to the underlying issue of Casteism. The convict was found guilty of murder and rape after the trial was concluded in December 2017 based on the DNA Evidence and Testimony. But, the reference to confirm the conviction of the Death Penalty is still pending before the Kerala High Court. 

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