The Allahabad High Court on Thursday implemented a significant revision to the roster of Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav, following his recent controversial remarks about the Muslim community at an event hosted by the legal cell of the Hindu right-wing group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).
Under the roster change, effective from December 16, Justice Yadav will exclusively handle first appeals—cases stemming from orders passed by district courts—limited to those filed up to 2010. Notably, since October 15, Justice Yadav has been overseeing a sensitive roster of bail matters related to rape cases.
The change in his assignments comes just two days after the Supreme Court publicly disclosed that it had requested a report from the Allahabad High Court regarding Justice Yadav's controversial speech.
In his speech on December 8, Justice Yadav stated that India would operate according to the wishes of the majority community. He also used the term "kathmullah," a derogatory slur aimed at Muslims.
Additionally, Justice Yadav mentioned that the country would soon implement a Uniform Civil Code.
"I vow that this country will surely enact a uniform law, and it will happen very soon," he said.
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