The Allahabad High Court recently granted bail to four individuals charged under the Uttar Pradesh Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, with a stipulation that each must deposit ₹25,000 with the Uttar Pradesh Gau Sewa Ayog.
Earlier this month, a bench of Justice Karunesh Singh Pawar imposed this condition while granting bail to four accused—Shabbir, Mohammad Alam, Mohammad Khalid, and Asgar. They were booked under Sections 3/5/8 of the State's Anti-Cow Slaughter Act and arrested on allegations of possessing 70 kg of cow beef.
According to the prosecution, during a routine patrol on May 1, 2024, a police team conducted a raid based on a tip-off from an informer and arrested four individuals. During the operation, the police reportedly recovered 70 kg of cow beef, along with a knife and other related articles.
Seeking bail, the applicants approached the High Court, where their counsel argued that they had been falsely implicated. It was also submitted that there were no independent witnesses to the recovery and that no one had seen the incident.
On the other hand, the state's counsel opposed their bail plea, citing a medical analysis report that confirmed the recovered meat was indeed cow beef. However, considering the facts and circumstances of the case, including the fact that a charge sheet had already been filed, the Court found it to be a suitable case for granting bail to the applicants.
Consequently, the Court granted bail to the four accused after they furnished a personal bond and two sureties each in the same amount to the satisfaction of the court concerned. Additionally, each applicant has been directed to deposit ₹25,000 with the Uttar Pradesh Gau Sewa Ayog within four weeks.
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