The High Court has asked the Home Secretary, Jaipur Police Commissioner and DCP South, among others, what has been done to trace the missing lawyer since 12th August 2023. Also, the court has asked the government advocate to submit the missing person's record in the case. The bench of Justice Pankaj Bhandari and Justice Bhuvan Goyal passed this order on Mala Sharma's writ petition.
Advocate Vijay Dutt Sharma said that the applicant's husband Advocate Narendra Sharma has gone missing from the temple located near the house on 12th August 2023. Even after a long search, he was not found. In such a situation, the applicant lodged a missing report at Muhana police station on 13th August. Even after a week, the police has not been able to trace her husband. A report was filed against some people in the Arai police station of Ajmer regarding the illegal declaration of agricultural land. These accused were threatening to kill her husband.
It is suspected that the accused have kidnapped her husband and taken him hostage. Despite informing the police about this fact, no effective action has been taken. Therefore, the police administration should be directed to recover and produce her husband. On this, the bench has asked the concerned officials and others to submit the record of the case while seeking their reply. It is significant that in this case, the Bar Association, on behalf of Jaipur, has also sent a letter to the Police Commissioner asking him to form a high-level committee to search for the missing lawyer.
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