Kajal Shingala alias Kajal Hindusthani, who has been evading arrest for a week after she was booked for allegedly making a hate speech at Una town in Gir Somnath district during the Ram Navami celebrations, was arrested on Sunday after she surrendered at the Una town police station Sunday morning. A local court sent her to judicial custody after the police did not seek her remand.
She was formally arrested at 11:15 am in connection with the case registered against her at Una police station on April 2. “Her speech is already out in the public. Therefore, there is no question of remand,” Shripal Sheshma, superintendent of Gir Somnath district police, said when asked if the police had sought her custody.
The case pertains to a speech Shingala had given at a public meeting organised by Shree Ramkrushna Janmotsava Samiti, Una in Tower Chowk of Una as part of the Ram Navami celebrations on March 30.
Police say tension had built up after her speech. To diffuse the atmosphere, the police had called a meeting of leaders of the two communities on April 1. However, the meeting took an ugly turn as leaders of both communities engaged in heated exchanges in the presence of police officers.
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