On Wednesday, Aam Aadmi Party leader and Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh appeared before a special court in connection with a 2001 street-protest case. He surrendered and was subsequently granted bail.
"Sanjay Singh surrendered in the MP-MLA court here. The court granted him bail on a surety bond of ₹ 50,000," his advocate Madan Singh said.
The surety was deposited following instructions from the Allahabad High Court, which had stayed the execution of the sentence imposed by the Sultanpur court on August 22.
On January 11 last year, the special court sentenced AAP leader Sanjay Singh to three months of rigorous imprisonment and imposed a fine for obstructing traffic and inciting violence during a protest in Sultanpur district, Uttar Pradesh. Along with Singh, five others were also convicted by the MP-MLA court on the same day. Their appeal was later dismissed by the sessions court on August 6 this year.
The Lucknow bench of the High Court, upon hearing an urgent plea on January 11 last year, ruled that Sanjay Singh did not need to surrender before the Sultanpur court until the court issued its order on his bail plea, which was scheduled for hearing on Thursday.
On August 13 this year, the MP-MLA court issued a non-bailable warrant against Sanjay Singh, Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Anoop Sanda, and four others.
The High Court bench, led by Justice K.S. Pawar, directed that Sanjay Singh must provide a personal bond of ₹50,000 to the satisfaction of the special court. He also must give an undertaking that he or his counsel will appear before the court when the revision petition is scheduled for hearing.
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