700 teachers from Tripura challenge unjust termination by State in Apex Court

700 teachers from Tripura challenge unjust termination by State in Apex Court

Over 700 undergraduate teachers from Tripura have taken their grievances to the Supreme Court, challenging what they deem as unjust and unconstitutional termination orders issued by the state government in 2017 and 2020. The petition filed under Article 32 of the Indian Constitution seeks redress for alleged violations of their rights and procedural irregularities in the termination process.

The dispute stems from a judgment rendered by the Tripura High Court in 2014, which invalidated the state government's Employment Policy as legally flawed. This ruling had far-reaching consequences, leading to the termination of more than 10,000 teachers appointed under the said policy. However, the current petitioners argue that their recruitment adhered strictly to prevailing recruitment rules and was unaffected by the 2014 judgment.

A critical contention in their plea is the lack of prior notice or involvement in the legal proceedings that culminated in the High Court's decision. The petitioners assert that they were not party to the case and were blindsided by the subsequent fallout affecting their employment status.

Complicating matters further are allegations of financial irregularities and a potential scam within the administrative framework. Despite their terminations, the teachers claim that their employment and salary codes remain active, resulting in continued salary deductions from the state exchequer. They allege that these funds are being siphoned off by unscrupulous officials, highlighting a systemic issue requiring urgent investigation and resolution.

The human impact of this legal quagmire cannot be overstated. Reports indicate distressing outcomes such as over 160 teacher deaths attributed to lack of financial support for basic necessities and instances of suicides among the affected individuals. These tragic consequences underscore the urgency and gravity of the situation, necessitating swift legal intervention and remedial measures.

The ongoing investigation by the Principal Accountant General (Addl.) of Tripura into alleged financial discrepancies is a step in the right direction. However, for the terminated teachers facing dire circumstances, including financial hardship and loss of livelihood, timely legal recourse and equitable resolutions are paramount.


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