S. Jaishankar's wife Kyoko and the controversy

S. Jaishankar's wife Kyoko and the controversy

When the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was passed in the parliament and before that, there was a huge agitation against the passing of the Bill. Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar defended it very well. At the same time, there was a section of people who accused the foreign minister of defending the Act even when his own wife is Japanese.

Jaishankar got married to his first wife Shobha and she succumbed to cancer. They studied together at JNU. Later, Mr. Jaishankar married Kyoko Jaishankar, who is a woman of Japanese origin and has three children from the foreign minister namely, Dhruva and Arjun, Medha.

Secondly, when the name of Sr. Advocate Saurabh Kirpal was rejected by the Central Government on the ground of his sexuality, the then law minister Kiran Rijuju also made statements that his partner is a person of foreign origin and his candidature of Mr Kirpal was rejected.

That time former Supreme Court judge Justice Deepak Gupta made a statement that this cannot be a ground for rejection.

Justice Gupta criticized the government's objection to the appointment of senior advocate Saurabh Kripal. Justice Deepak Gupta stated, "The reason for rejecting Saurabh Kirpal's appointment cannot be that his partner is not Indian. Many Indians have non-Indian partners. Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar's wife is Japanese."

S. Jaishankar entered into his second marriage with Kyoko Somekawa, a woman of Japanese descent. Following the passing of his first wife Shobha from cancer, S. Jaishankar married Kyoko. Kyoko embraced Hinduism after their marriage and is now the mother of three children.

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