Payment of Maintenance u/s 125 CRPC; Whether from the date of application or from the date of order

Payment of Maintenance u/s 125 CRPC; Whether from the date of application or from the date of order

The Supreme Court of India while deciding an important case on 19.11.2014 held that the maintenance could be granted from either of the two dates i.e. from the date of application or from the date of order but the court deciding the same has to record reasons for the same.

In the case of Jaiminiben Hirenbhai Vyas & Anr. V. Hiren Bhai Rameshchandra Vys & Anr. Criminal Appeal No. 2435/2014, the Supreme Court held that It is neither appropriate nor desirable that a Court simply states that maintenance should be paid from either the date of the order or the date of the application in matters of maintenance.

In Para 7 of the judgment, the Supreme Court held that Section 125 of the Cr.P.C., therefore, impliedly requires the Court to consider making the order for maintenance effective from either of the two dates, having regard to the relevant facts. For good reason, evident from its order, the Court may choose either date. It is neither appropriate nor desirable that a Court simply states that maintenance should be paid from either the date of the order or the date of the application in matters of maintenance. Thus, as per Section 354 (6) of the Cr.P.C., the Court should record reasons in support of the order passed by it, in both eventualities.

The Court dealt with the case of Shail Kumari v. Krishan Bhagwan Pathak reported in (2008)9 SCC 632 wherein this question has been decided by the Apex Court as to which is the relevant date for ordering the maintenance and held that "it was incorrect to hold that, as a normal rule, the  Magistrate should grant maintenance only from the date of the order and not from the date of the application for maintenance. It is, therefore, open to the Magistrate to award maintenance from the date of application. The Court held, and we agree, that if the Magistrate intends to pass such an order, he is required to record reasons in support of such Order. Thus, such maintenance can be awarded from the date of the Order, or, if so ordered, from the date of the application for maintenance, as the case may be. For awarding maintenance from the date of the application, express order is necessary.


Section 125 CRPC Read as under:-

125. Order for maintenance of wives, children and parents.
(1) If any person having sufficient means neglects or refuses to maintain-
(a) his wife, unable to maintain herself, or
(b) his legitimate or illegitimate minor child, whether married or not, unable to  maintain itself, or
(c) his legitimate or illegitimate child (not being a married daughter) who has  attained majority, where such child is, by reason of any physical or mental  abnormality or injury unable to maintain itself, or
(d) his father or mother, unable to maintain himself or herself, a Magistrate of  the first class may, upon proof of such neglect or refusal, order such person  to make a monthly allowance for the maintenance of his wife or such child,  father or mother, at such monthly rate, as such Magistrate thinks fit, and to  pay the same to such person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct:

Provided that the Magistrate may order the father of a minor female child 
referred to in clause (b) to make such allowance, until she attains her majority,  if the Magistrate is satisfied that the husband of such minor female child, if married, is not possessed of sufficient means:

Provided further that the Magistrate may, during the pendency of the  proceeding regarding monthly allowance for the maintenance under this  sub-section, order such person to make a monthly allowance for the interim  maintenance of his wife or such child, father or mother, and the expenses of  such proceeding which the Magistrate considers reasonable, and to pay the  same to such person as the Magistrate may from time to time direct:

Provided also that an application for the monthly allowance for the interim  maintenance and expenses of proceeding under the second proviso shall, as  far as possible, be disposed of within sixty days from the date of the service of notice of the application to such person.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this Chapter,-

(a) “minor” means a person who, under the provisions of the Indian  Majority Act, 1875 (9 of 1875); is deemed not to have attained his majority;

(b) “wife” includes a woman who has been divorced by, or has obtained a  divorce from, her husband and has not remarried.

(2) Any such allowance for the maintenance or interim maintenance and expenses of proceeding shall be payable from the date of the order, or, if so ordered, from the date of the application for maintenance or interim maintenance and expenses of the proceeding, as the case may be.

Section 354 CRPC

(6) Language and contents of judgment - Every order under Section 117 or sub-section (2)  of Section 138 and every final order made under Section 125, Section 145 or Section 147 shall contain the point or points for determination, the decision thereon, and the reasons for the decision.

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